◐나이스 샷! Golf/내 몸에 맞는 스윙

다시보는 - 미국 체류중 보았던 감격의 메이저리그 우승 한국인 양용은

arakims 2010. 3. 23. 22:35


미국 체류중에 감격적인 장면을 보았습니다.

누구나 외국에 가면 애국자가 된다는 이야기를 이제 알 것 같습니다.

가슴뿌듯한 순간을 영원히 간직하고 싶어 올려봅니다.

아시아 최초, 메이저 우승자! 양!용!은!



<그의 약력>

1984년 신도초등학교, 1987년 무릉중학교와, 1990년 제주관광산업고등학교를 졸업했다.

1996년 한국프로골프(KPGA)에 입회했다.

2002년 SBS최강전에서 우승하였고, 2003년 일본프로골프(JGTO)투어에 진출했다.

2006년 제49회 코오롱-하나은행 코리아 오픈에서 우승한후

2006년 11월 유럽 프로골프투어 HSBC 챔피언십에서 타이거 우즈를 꺾고 우승했다.

우승하자 마자 PGA투어 직행티켓을 거머쥐면서 그의 PGA 도전은 본격적으로 시작하게 된다.

2009년 3월 PGA혼다클래식으로 우승을 거머지게 되면서

한국인 선수는 최경주에 이어 두번째로 한국인 챔프를 거머쥐게 되었다.

그리고 동년 8월 17일 제91회 PGA 챔피언십에서 타이거 우즈를 꺾고 역전 우승하며

아시아 남자 골프 선수로는

최초로 메이저 대회 우승 기록을 세웠다.

<위키백과에서 퍼옴>


By Oh Young-jin
Staff Reporter

If you can't play like Yang Yong-eun, the Korean golfer who beat Tiger Woods and won the 2009 PGA Championship, at least you can try to look like him, in the hope that it may help you shed a stroke or two off your usual handicap.
Judging by the big sales of the outfits Yang sported, the club he used at one of his crucial moments and the caddie bag he raised overhead in victory, Korean golfers aren't just trying to emulate his golf swing, but his style as well.
Yang's victory came after he birded the 18th hole to make Woods' last putt meaningless.
According to industry sources, TaylorMade, Yang's caddie bag sponsor, sold out a limited edition of 100 caddie bags in a matter of six hours.
It's the same bag TaylorMade provided to all its pro golfers participating in the event. Yang's bag, however, has the Korean national flag, Taegukgi, on the lower pocket on its front.
TaylorMade utility No. 3, the club which Yang used to hit his second shot to within 2.5 meters of the pin on the last hole, is also in high demand.
On golf sites, some argue that if he had used a 3 iron, he might not have been able to hit the green as accurately as he did from a distance of over 200 yards.
The white t-shirt and pants he wore have also been hot items since his victory. Yang said during a post-championship interview that he wore all-white because it's Korea's color.
The outfit is made by Le Coq Sportif, which comes with the trademark of a red rooster. Some golf industry watchers say that Yang's victory has given the golfwear maker brand exposure worth millions of dollars, an unexpected return on investment for Yang's clothing sponsor.
TaylorMade and Adidas Korea reported a 40-percent rise in its sales during the week following Yang's Aug. 17 victory, while Le Coq Sportif saw sales up more than 50 percent here.
It is not just items Yang used which are selling well, but also other golf-related goods. Lotte Department Store reported about a 30-percent rise in golf-related sales in the week after Yang's Aug. 17 victory.
Shinsegae also said that their sales saw a sizeable improvement.


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